
Zephaniah Women’s Education and Empowerment Foundation is an innovative school located in a village of rural Punjab, Pakistan. The school services more than 200 women and girls, 7 days a week, 9am to 8pm all year long. Sister Zeph, Founder of Zephaniah Free Education, and other teachers, run 15 separate educational projects with the women in a rented building that is only 12x15ft. Even though the school is small and packed to the brim, they never turn away a student who is eager to learn. Sister Zeph is known to knock on strangers doors and ask if the women in the household may be allowed to attend her school. She is repeatedly told no by the men who answer the door, most say that women do not need an education because their sole place is in the home cooking, cleaning and child rearing. According to the National Bureau of Statistics in Pakistan, only 48% of women ages 10+ in the Gujranwala region where the school is located can read. This does not discourage Sister Zeph, her students or the teachers she employs from continuously pursuing a higher education for all the women they come in contact with.

Gujranwala is the city in which Zephaniah Free Education School is located in Pakistan.

Please help support Sister Zephaniah in her quest to educate more women and children. Currently the school focuses on math, reading, critical thinking, personal hygiene, trade skills and computer skills. Students can also take Computer, Self Defense, Sewing and Beauty Salon courses. Classes are designed to allow students to make choices, gain confidence, express independence and eventually pursue a trade skill.

Please help support this most noble cause by donating your time or with a monetary contribution. Zephaniah School is an entirely free school to the women and children who attend it. They appreciate any and all help you can provide.

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  2. I regularly post on Facebook about your remarkable school and the fantastic work you and your staff are doing. Thank you all for your courage and compassion in the face of extremely difficult circumstances.

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